"Name this city" application is the second application which has been ported to BlackBerry mobile platform. Now you can play this geographical quiz on BlackBerry mobile devices.
Rules are traditional for all "Name this"-games: each question has 4 possible answers. You have 3 attempts to give the right answer. If you give it at the first attempt you will receive 3 points, at the second attempt - 2 points, at the third - 1 point.

Features of the BlackBerry implementation are the following:
- Automatical adjusting of the game area orientation (portrait/landscape) to fit all BlackBerry screen resolutions.
- Switching to one one of the 7 languages directly in application (in iPhone-implementaton all these languages are supported, but you can change the language only in systems settings). Supported languages in both iPhone and BlackBerry versions are: English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch and Russian.
- Support of both types of BlackBerry-devices with/without touchscreen (including BlackBerry Storm models).
- Saving the state of the games on exit and restoring it back on the next start. So you can continue the game from the point you stopped last time.
Look for "Name this city" in online store mobihand.com. Direct link is http://www.mobihand.com/product.asp?id=37241&n=Name-This-City
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